CHINA Town Hall: Local Connections, National Reflections

Dr. Henry A. Kissinger and Dr. Tom Gold
China on the Road to Rejuvenation: Challenges to the U.S.

Tuesday, October 18 – 6:30 Doors open / 7-9 p.m.
Kennedy Auditorium, Conaton Learning Commons
Xavier University

Dr. Henry A. Kissinger

Dr. Henry A. Kissinger

China’s emergence as a global player and potential partner with the U.S. ensures that the Sino-American relationship will directly impact the lives of us all. To help us understand this complex relationship, the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations will conduct the 10th annual CHINA Town Hall, a national day of programming on China involving about 70 cities throughout the United States. We will participate in a live webcast discussion from 7-8 p.m. with former Secretary of State Dr. Henry Kissinger, moderated by National Committee President Stephen Orlins.

At 8 p.m., Dr. Thomas B. Gold will be with us in person. A 1966 Walnut Hills graduate, Dr. Gold is professor of sociology at the University of California, Berkeley.

Dr. Thomas Gold

Dr. Thomas Gold

He began his study of Chinese at Oberlin College and received his M.A. and PhD from Harvard. He was part of the first group of government-sponsored American exchange students to go to China, studying at Fudan University from 1979-80. Subjects of his publications range widely, including youth, guanxi (关系), popular culture, private business, microfinance, laid-off (下岗) workers, civil society, social change in Taiwan, and cross-Strait relations. He serves on the board of the Asia Society/Northern California and has served on the board of the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations. In 2012 he returned to Fudan to teach in the University of California Education Abroad Program. Dr. Gold will discuss China’s “Road to Rejuvenation” and how it presents challenges to the U.S., as well as opportunities.

Event Sponsored by:

Does China Exist?

Learn About Modern China
with James & Deborah Fallows

Oct. 27, 7:30 p.m.
The James and Caroline Duff Banquet Center
in the Cintas Center @ Xavier University Cincinnati

James and Deborah Fallows

James and Deborah Fallows

China is in increasing competition with America for jobs, markets, military strength and diplomatic influence. It
also controls a large share of America’s debt. How should Americans think about the country that will play an important part in our future? Which of China’s strengths – and weaknesses – go unnoticed here? James and Deborah Fallows provide answers in “Does China Exist?”

James Fallows, a correspondent for The Atlantic and former presidential speechwriter, has reported internationally for nearly 30 years, including three recent years in China with his wife, Deborah, a linguist and author, who has written for National Geographic, The Atlantic and other publications. James’ books include Postcards from Tomorrow Square: Reports from China. Deborah’s latest book is Dreaming in Chinese: Mandarin Lessons in Life, Love, and Language.

Event Sponsored by:

Xavier University - Edward B. Brueggeman Center for DialogueWorld Affairs Council Midwest USA Chinese Chamber of Commerce

Crime, Espionage and War in Cyberspace

Exploring Global Critical Issues

Sept. 15, 7:30 p.m.
The James and Caroline
Duff Banquet Center in the
Cintas Center @ Xavier University

The greatest threats we face may no longer be traditional wars and crimes but those committed in cyberspace. Can terrorists shut down our electrical grids? Can criminals bring down our financial systems? Are our military secrets at risk? Is any of our personal information really safe? In an era of ever-increasing connectivity, governments, corporations and individuals need to reassess how they view national security.

Join us to discuss these and other issues with Richard A. Clarke, who advised three presidents on security, counter-terrorism and cyber-security. He currently teaches at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.

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